A very useful Piece
of information for new bloggers or site owners: Its Important!
If you have searched for this, It means you are facing exactly the same problem i faced refer spam site. I researched on Internet quite some time and you know what i found?
savegco-antivir and many of this type are spam sites which actually refer some fake(computer ) spam visitors to your site or blog. In reality no human reads your content it is the computer which is increasing your page view.
Have you
noticed unusual traffic in your blogger traffic report coming from weird sites. Then be careful before
clicking on those weird links. Here are some examples
of weird sites sending unusual traffic to blogger blogsIf you have searched for this, It means you are facing exactly the same problem i faced refer spam site. I researched on Internet quite some time and you know what i found?
savegco-antivir and many of this type are spam sites which actually refer some fake(computer ) spam visitors to your site or blog. In reality no human reads your content it is the computer which is increasing your page view.
sites can led to following threats to you as a blogger. Sometime these may
affect you with spyware/malware infection
of your computer, can cause session
hijacking (attacker can get control of your blog without password), can cause
serious damage to your system. So next time you see any of the weird traffic
from weird sites simply ignore them since it is a kind of spamming, it’s quite
difficult to track and bust them.
Those sites referring too much weird traffic are most from spam server automated programs so its wise to be aware.
Thanks. I'm getting loads at the moment from dodgy looking urls begining with numbers followed by fapoff.com and freean.us, and www3.bestbxcleaner. I'll not be clicking on them. Do you know if they are they able to do anything if you avoid clicking on them?